Saturday, November 1, 2008

Hey Everybody, I know Ive been slacking. I finally did it though. This is Jakes birthday. We had so much fun playing baseball.

Mom and Dave came. So did Jason and Andrea and their kiddos.

Here is Sam and her "posse". I was fortunate to get this picture because they were camera dodging all day. Never underestimate the sneakiness of a mother with a camera though. LOL

Skyler was armed and dangerous with the rubberband puffball.

Jacob opening presents. I think he made close
to $200 this day. The present in his hand is the rubix cube. Im not sure who plays with it more Jason or Jacob but they both seem to be using it at all times during the day. They have the instructions on how to solve it but apperently its not that easy even with the directions.

Here is Jason and Sydney. She caught on to this baseball thing quickly.

I know it looks bad, but I won this and was sore in muscles I didnt know I had for only 3 days afterward.

Jason pulling like an ox.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

So this is the whole gang taking a break after riding. Our friends Kieth and Nicole and their two kids, Ashley and Austin were with us. We went to show the kids a log that had been burned out in the center. Turned out we ran out of there with gargantuan mosquitos close on our heels. Apparently it was their log!

Here are my dirt warriors.

And here are their exhausted parents.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sams 8th Grade Graduation Day

Its so hard to believe off to high school next year. Shes growing up so fast Im afraid to blink.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

These are the weaners where Jacob works. They are being weaned from their mothers. These are the friendliest although most of the alpacas are friendly they just don't welcome hugs as easily.
This buck-toothed weaner is Winston. Winston is Jacobs favorite alpaca. He is a real character just like Jacob.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Maybe theres some gold in this rock?
If not we can always try the gold mine.

Maybe theres some gold under here?

I bet theres some gold in this quartz.

There is definitly some gold in here. Maybe.
I guess this isnt as easy as we thought.

This is our pond Jason and I built it in a weekend. It turned out so nice. It only took us about 4 or 5 trips to the hardware store. That may not sound like a big deal unless you know the hardware store is a 1 hour round trip for us. Our fish are really friendly they give you fishy kisses if you stick your fingers in the water.

Look who found her prince charming Good Luck!!!

Our garden is doing wonderful. I have had 5 melt in your mouth strawberries out of it, and one scrumptious cherry tomato. This is sort of an experiment in urban gardening, this being our first home in a very long time with yard limits. I'm sure we aren't the first to garden in pots but its a bit strange for us. Jason always makes sure everything is watered.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I'm going to start this blog by telling you what I did most recently. I took my carburetor off my motorcycle, took it apart and cleaned it out, and then put it back on. I had a good teacher but I did it all by myself. I am super proud of myself. Only thing was after I got it back on Jason said "did you know your gas tank has a crack in it." So I cant ride it until I get a new tank. Ive got my eye on one on e-bay. Ill include a picture when she is all back together right now she looks a little odd without her tank or seat on.

Just to catch everyone up on the kids..... Jacob is working on an alpaca ranch. He works 3 hours every Saturday and Sunday morning. Mostly he rakes alpaca poop but he also is learning to train the alpacas. They just had a new baby alpaca and are expecting two more soon. He is growing like a weed and looks more like a man every day it seems. Samantha will be graduating from Jr. High June 5th, and off to high school. Can you believe it? She will be taking drivers ed!!! She got recommended for all the best classes in high school. Scholarship English, Geometry, and Biology. She wanted to take Ag Biology but she has to take regular Biology to take AP Biology. AP Biology is college Biology taken in high school. She wants to go to Berkley. Her future is so open and promising I am so excited for her.

I will write more when I can find my pictures its not as exciting without visuals. KAREN